

  • 承愚
  • 2024-01-27 08:00:01


  Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most important traditional holiday in China. It is celebrated on the first day of the lunar calendar, which usually falls between late January and early February. The festival is steeped in traditions and customs that have been passed down for thousands of years.

  One of the most delightful aspects of Chinese New Year is the abundance of ancient poems that capture the essence and spirit of the festival. These poems often reflect various themes, such as reunion, blessings, and the anticipation of a new beginning. In this article, we will explore some English translations of classical Chinese poems describing the joy and customs of the Spring Festival.

  1. "Spring Festival" by Du Fu (712-770 AD)

  The brilliant lanterns light up the night,

  People gather to feast and delight.

  Families reunite, such a blissful sight,

  Toasting to good fortune, all is bright.

  2. "Ode to the Spring Festival" by Liu Yuxi (772-842 AD)

  Drums and firecrackers fill the air,

  Red lanterns hanging everywhere.

  With jubilation and joyful cheer,

  A new year of blessings is here.

  3. "New Year's Eve" by Wang Anshi (1021-1086 AD)

  Fireworks explode in the setting sun,

  As the old year bids farewell, undone.

  Family members come together as one,

  An auspicious gathering, blessings begun.

  4. "A Song for the Spring Festival" by Yan Jidao (1636-1704 AD)

  The Spring Festival comes with jubilation,

  Red blossoms bloom in celebration.

  Generations gather in anticipation,

  Wishing for prosperity across the nation.

  5. "A Welcome Song for the Spring Festival" by Yuan Mei (1716-1797 AD)

  The fragrance of flowers fills the streets,

  Fireworks paint the night with vibrant treats.

  Delicacies to eat, joy from head to feet,

  Good fortune and happiness, a year's feat.

  These ancient poems demonstrate the sheer joy and festive atmosphere that encapsulate the Spring Festival. They also reflect the importance of family reunions, the tradition of igniting firecrackers, and the vibrant displays of lanterns during the holiday.

  Aside from these poems, there are also various customs associated with the Spring Festival that make it a truly unique celebration. For example, the tradition of giving red envelopes filled with money to children and unmarried individuals signifies good luck and blessings for the upcoming year. The practice of setting off firecrackers and fireworks is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune. Another important tradition is the reunion dinner, where family members gather to share a meal on New Year's Eve, symbolizing unity and love.

  The Spring Festival is not only a time to celebrate, but also a time for reflection and renewal. It is a time for people to express their gratitude to their ancestors and to pay homage to their cultural heritage. It is a festival that brings people together, no matter how far away they may be.

  In conclusion, the Spring Festival is a time of joy, reunion, and new beginnings. The ancient poems that accompany this festive occasion capture the essence of the celebrations and have been cherished for centuries. As we welcome the Chinese New Year, let us embrace the traditions and customs that have shaped this cherished holiday and look forward to a prosperous and blessed year ahead.



  The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. It is the time for family reunions and joyful celebrations. The festival is steeped in history and culture, and there are numerous ancient poems that capture the essence of this festive occasion. In this article, we will introduce and translate some of these classic poems about the Spring Festival.

  1. Poem by Wei Yingwu (唐魏应物《白菊行》)

  In the cold winter, the plum blossoms are in full bloom,

  The white chrysanthemums are radiant and pure.

  I walk through the bustling streets, feeling a festive atmosphere,

  The Spring Festival is approaching, bringing joy to every home.

  2. Poem by Bai Juyi (唐白居易《新年作》)

  The sound of firecrackers fills the air,

  The streets and houses are adorned with red lanterns.

  Everywhere you look, there are smiling faces,

  The New Year has arrived, bringing blessings and good wishes.

  3. Poem by Du Fu (唐杜甫《元日》)

  The sound of drums and gongs fills the streets,

  People dress in their finest clothes.

  From house to house, they exchange greetings,

  Welcoming the arrival of a prosperous new year.

  4. Poem by Liu Yuxi (唐柳宗元《九日山房与山巨源寄张璪》)

  Spring comes with the sound of blooming flowers,

  The festive atmosphere fills every corner.

  Reunited with family and friends, we toast to happiness,

  May this Spring Festival bring success and prosperity.

  5. Poem by Su Shi (宋苏轼《元日》)

  The sound of firecrackers resounds through the night,

  The bustling streets are filled with joy and delight.

  Families gather to enjoy a festive feast,

  With smiles and laughter, they welcome the New Year.

  These poems reflect the excitement and joy that the Spring Festival brings to the Chinese people. The symbols of plum blossoms, chrysanthemums, and firecrackers signify the arrival of spring and the wishes for a prosperous new year. The exchange of greetings and the festive feasts represent the importance of family and community during this special time.

  Chinese culture has a deep appreciation for poetry, and these ancient poems are an integral part of the Spring Festival tradition. The elegance and beauty of these verses continue to inspire and evoke emotions, connecting people to their cultural heritage.

  As the Spring Festival approaches, let us embrace the warmth and tenderness of this auspicious occasion. May the spirit of these ancient poems resonate within us, reminding us of the importance of family, tradition, and hope for a better future. Happy Spring Festival to all!


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