

  • 承愚
  • 2023-12-29 14:33:13


  The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. It is a time for family gatherings, feasts, and celebrations. People usually have a week-long holiday to welcome the arrival of the new year. Here are ten things that are traditionally done during the Spring Festival.

  1. Cleaning and decorating the house: Before the Spring Festival, families clean their houses from top to bottom to sweep away any bad luck from the previous year. They also decorate their homes with red lanterns, couplets, and paper cuttings to create a festive atmosphere.

  2. Reunion dinner: On the eve of the Lunar New Year, families gather for a lavish dinner called the "reunion dinner." It is considered the most important meal of the year, and every family member must be present. The feast usually includes various dishes that have symbolic meanings, such as fish for prosperity and dumplings for wealth.

  3. Giving red envelopes: Red envelopes, called "hongbao," are traditionally given to children and unmarried young adults during the Spring Festival. These red envelopes contain money and are believed to bring good luck and blessings for the new year.

  4. Setting off fireworks and firecrackers: Fireworks and firecrackers are an integral part of the Spring Festival celebrations. They are believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune. The loud noises and bright lights also create a festive atmosphere.

  5. Watching the Spring Festival Gala: The Spring Festival Gala, a televised variety show, has become a tradition for many Chinese families. People gather around the TV to watch the performances, comedy skits, and traditional Chinese opera. The gala is a reflection of Chinese culture and showcases the talents of various artists.

  6. Visiting relatives and friends: During the Spring Festival, it is common for people to visit their relatives and friends to exchange greetings and good wishes. People often bring gifts, such as fruits, sweets, and wine, as a token of appreciation.

  7. Temple fairs and traditional activities: Temple fairs are held during the Spring Festival, where people can enjoy traditional performances, taste local snacks, and buy handicrafts. It is also a time for traditional activities like lion dances, dragon dances, and lantern displays.

  8. Making and eating dumplings: Dumplings, or jiaozi, are a traditional staple during the Spring Festival. Families often gather to make dumplings together on New Year's Eve. It is believed that the more dumplings you eat, the more wealth you will have in the coming year.

  9. Watching lion and dragon dances: Lion and dragon dances are commonly performed during the Spring Festival. These colorful and lively dances are believed to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck and fortune.

  10. Making lanterns: Making lanterns is a traditional activity during the Spring Festival. Children often make lanterns in various shapes and designs, and they are displayed to bring happiness and good fortune.

  In conclusion, the Spring Festival is a time of joy, reunion, and blessings. These ten activities are cherished traditions that bring families and communities together, while also symbolizing hopes and wishes for a prosperous and successful year ahead.




  1. 扫尘 (Cleaning): 在春节前,许多人会彻底清洁房屋,以迎接新的一年。这个传统叫做“扫尘”,人们相信它可以驱除厄运并迎来好运。

  2. 放鞭炮 (Setting off firecrackers): 放鞭炮是春节期间一个受欢迎的活动。它象征着驱除恶灵和吸引好运。无论是在城市还是农村,人们都会在大街小巷中放鞭炮。

  3. 守岁 (Staying up late): 在新年的除夕夜,人们通常会守岁,即待到半夜时分。这个传统象征着平安和长寿。家人会一起聚在一起,享用美食和进行各种娱乐活动。

  4. 拜年 (New Year visits): 在春节期间,人们会拜访亲戚朋友,给他们拜年。这是传统的方式,人们会带上贺年卡、礼物和红包。这是一种表达祝福和传递喜庆的方式。

  5. 放鞭炮 (Dragon and lion dances): 龙舞和舞狮表演是春节期间不可或缺的活动。龙和狮子在文化中被视为祥瑞和福气的象征,这些表演能带来好运和祝福。

  6. 贴春联 (Posting couplets): 春联是春节期间装饰房屋的重要元素。它们通常由对联组成,写有吉祥的词句和祝福的话语。人们会把春联贴在门上或墙壁上,以庆祝新年的到来。

  7. 包饺子 (Making dumplings): 在春节期间,家人通常会一起包饺子。饺子是春节的传统美食之一,象征着团圆和祝福。人们相信吃饺子可以带来好运和财富。

  8. 赏花灯 (Enjoying lanterns): 在灯笼节期间,人们会欣赏精美的花灯。花灯被制作成各种形状,如动物、花卉和传统人物。在夜晚,人们会点亮花灯,创造出美丽的景观。

  9. 短途旅行 (Short trips): 许多人会利用春节假期进行短途旅行。他们可能会去拜访其他城市或探索当地的景点。这是放松身心、享受假期和体验新事物的好机会。

  10. 送祝福 (Sending blessings): 在春节期间,人们会通过各种方式向亲朋好友送祝福。无论是亲自拜访、发短信还是通过社交,人们都会用祝福的话语表达对彼此的关心和祝福。



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