- 半晴
- 2024-01-02 14:56:13
Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important traditional festival in China,It falls on the first day of the lunar calendar, often between late January and mid-February,With a history of over 4,000 years, this festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and various customs that represent good luck and prosperity.
In ancient China, people would write and recite poems to greet the arrival of the Spring Festival,These poems capture the joyous atmosphere and convey good wishes for the new year,Let's explore some of these ancient Chinese New Year poems and their translations in English.
Congratulations on the New Spring
Phoenix brings new and prosperous time,
Blessed snowflake paints the spring sunshine.
Golden pig symbolizes a hopeful year,
Auspic ious beasts celebrate the new light.
This poem expresses the joy and anticipation of a new year,The phoenix and auspicious animals represent good fortune, while the reference to snow symbolizes purity and blessings.
Spring Festival
Welcoming the first sunshine on the silver platform,
Looking at the grandeur of everyone's door.
Temples greet the sparrow god along the willow bank,
The kitchen observes the returning of the lovely swallows.
This poem describes the scenes and customs of Chinese New Year,People gather to welcome the new year at temples, and it is believed that a sparrow god brings good luck,Observing the returning of swallows symbolizes the arrival of spring and the renewal of life.
A Spring Day
Flowers blossom joyfully with countless colors,
Swallows fly and orioles sing, competing for a vibrant spring.
Celebrating the spring with joy, inviting family and friends,
Reunion and happiness is the best way to celebrate.
This poem highlights the joy of spring and the importance of family reunion during the Spring Festival,The blooming flowers represent the renewal of life, while the presence of loved ones brings warmth and happiness.
Reunion on Spring Festival
The journey home feels longer for thousands of miles,
The long sound of the bell guides the distant travelers.
Celebrating the New Year with joy and reunion,
Family gathering brings happiness and unity.
This poem expresses the longing for reunion and the joy of families coming together during the Spring Festival,Despite the distance, people make efforts to travel back home and join their loved ones for the celebration.
These ancient Chinese New Year poems reflect the spirit and traditions of the Spring Festival,It is a time of joy, reunion, and celebration of good luck and prosperity,The translations capture the essence of the original poems, allowing people from different cultures to appreciate and understand the beauty of Chinese culture.
The Translation of Ancient Chinese Poems about the Spring Festival in English
As one of the most significant traditional festivals in China, the Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is celebrated with great excitement and joy,The festival marks the beginning of a new lunar year and is an occasion for family gatherings, feasts, and various cultural activities,Throughout history, numerous poets have expressed their feelings and sentiments towards the Spring Festival in their works, capturing the essence of this festive occasion,In this article, we will explore the translation of some famous ancient Chinese poems about the Spring Festival into English.
1,春节行 - 温庭筠 (Wen Tingyun)
春节行时候, 爆竹声声绕;
赡条连皆茂, 畲侔合处好。
Walking during the Spring Festival,
The sound of firecrackers echoes in the air.
The willow branches are lush,
Fellow villagers gather together in joy.
2,春夜喜雨 - 杜甫 (Du Fu)
好雨知时节, 当春乃发生;
随风潜入夜, 润物细无声。
Welcome rain knows its timing,
Bringing the spring into being.
Silently slipping into the night with the wind,
Moistening all things, silently and finely.
3,过年 - 白居易 (Bai Juyi)
大厨小厨间, 巧手裁羊羹;
火候盈盈好, 青松烘烤香。
Between the large and small kitchens,
Skillful hands craft lamb soup cakes.
Flames are just right,
Grilling the cakes with fragrance of pine.
4,春宵 - 苏轼 (Su Shi)
春宵一刻值千金, 花有清香月有阴;
歌管楼台声细细, 自怜短发萧萧云。
A spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold,
With flowers fragrant and the moon dimmed by clouds.
The sounds of singing and flute from towers and terraces,
I pity myself for my thin, white hair in the wind.
5,“元日” - 王之涣 (Wang Zhihuan)
爆竹声中一岁除, 春风送暖入屠苏;
千门万户曈曈日, 总把新桃换旧符。
With the sound of firecrackers, a year ends,
The spring breeze brings warmth as To "Tu" wine enters.
Thousands of doors and countless households awash in sunlight,
New peach blossoms replace old charms throughout.
6,乌衣巷 - 刘禹锡 (Liu Yuxi)
Beside the vermilion bird bridge blooms wild flowers,
In the narrow alley, the setting sun casts a slanted shadow.
Once, the swallows flew before royal halls,
Now, they enter the homes of ordinary people they find.
These translations attempt to capture the essence and beauty of the original poems while conveying the emotions and imagery associated with the Spring Festival,The Spring Festival is not only a time for joyful celebration but also an opportunity to reflect on the passing of time and the continuity of traditions,Each poem reveals different aspects of the festival, such as the lively atmosphere, the changes in nature, or the significance of family,Through these translations, we can appreciate the rich cultural heritage of the Chinese people and gain a deeper understanding of the Spring Festival.
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