

  • 牧樵
  • 2023-12-28 16:01:13


  Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important traditional holiday in China. It is a time when families come together to celebrate and usher in the new year. This festival is steeped in centuries-old customs and traditions. In this article, we will explore how the ancient poetry of Spring Festival can be expressed in English.

  In ancient China, poets often composed exquisite verses to capture the essence of this festive celebration. These poems vividly illustrate the customs, emotions, and cultural significance associated with Spring Festival. Let us venture into the world of classical Chinese poetry and attempt to translate these beautiful verses.

  1. "春节行" ("Spring Festival Excursion") by Bai Juyi

  Leaving behind the close-knit village, we embark on a festive journey,

  Delightfully setting foot on picturesque landscapes.

  The vibrant red lanterns illuminate the streets,

  Wisps of melody carry the joyful spirit of the season.

  Chatting, laughing, and sharing good fortune,

  We experience the warmth of familial love.

  Amidst the crowd, auspicious blessings abound,

  As the auspicious Year of the Ox arrives.

  2. "过年" ("Celebrating the New Year") by Wang Wei

  Firecrackers crackle in the air, announcing the new year's arrival,

  Amidst the jolly hustle and bustle of the bustling streets.

  Elated crowds gather on the eve of Spring Festival,

  Reveling in the merriment and feasting on festive treats.

  Oxen and sheep mark the dawn of the new zodiac cycle,

  Families embrace the timeless customs with fervor.

  Memories of the past year melt away like winter snow,

  Replacing them with hope and aspirations anew.

  3. "见新年" ("Greeting the New Year") by Du Fu

  The sound of temple bells reverberates through the misty morning,

  Auspicious incense fills the air amidst the ancient pagodas.

  Families clad in their finest attire,

  Offer prayers for an abundant and prosperous year to come.

  Scarlet couplets adorn every door,

  Bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new.

  With heartfelt wishes and kind greetings,

  We embrace the dawn of Spring Festival.

  These translations attempt to capture the essence of the original poems, conveying the joyous atmosphere and significant cultural elements of Spring Festival. However, it is important to note that the beauty and nuances of classical Chinese poetry may not be fully captured in any translation.

  Spring Festival is a time of renewal and an occasion for reflection on the past year. It brings families together, allows for reconciliation, and promotes harmony. The ancient poetry of Spring Festival serves as a reminder of the enduring traditions and cultural values that have shaped Chinese society for centuries.

  As we celebrate this joyous occasion, let us appreciate the rich heritage of Chinese culture and strive to preserve and share these ancient traditions for generations to come. May the spirit of Spring Festival bring happiness, prosperity, and good fortune to all.



  The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. It is a time for family reunions, celebration, and cultural activities. The festival is deeply rooted in Chinese history and has been celebrated for thousands of years. In this article, we will explore how to write a classic poem about the Spring Festival in English.

  The custom of writing poems during the Spring Festival has a long history in China. Creating a poem about the festival allows us to express our joy, blessings, and wishes to others. When writing a poem about the Spring Festival in English, we can use vivid language and imagery to capture the essence of this festive season.

  A good approach to start an English poem about the Spring Festival is by setting the scene. Begin by painting a picture of the lively atmosphere and the jubilant celebrations that surround this special occasion. For example:

  The Spring Festival is here at last,

  With lanterns bright and firework blast.

  Families gather, young and old,

  In village streets, the tales are told.

  In the next part of the poem, we can describe some of the prominent customs and traditions that are associated with the Spring Festival. Whether it is the reunion dinner, the exchange of red envelopes, or the lion and dragon dances, these customs embody the spirit of the festival. Here's an example of incorporating some customs into the poem:

  Red lanterns hang from every door,

  Dumplings steam, traditions restore.

  Children's laughter fills the air,

  Red envelopes exchanged with care.

  The poem can also express heartfelt wishes and blessings for the coming year. It is common in Chinese culture to send blessings to friends and family during the Spring Festival. In the English version, we can use flowing language to convey our wishes for health, prosperity, and happiness:

  May fortune shine on all we do,

  Good health and wealth to me and you.

  As dragons dance and lions roar,

  May joys and blessings overflow.

  Furthermore, the poem can evoke a sense of nostalgia and highlight the importance of family during the Spring Festival. In Chinese culture, the Spring Festival is a time for family reunions, where generations come together to celebrate. This sentiment can be beautifully depicted in English:

  Across the miles, families unite,

  Gathering under the starry night.

  Wrapped in warmth, love's embrace,

  Generations share this sacred space.

  To conclude the poem, we can reflect on the significance of the Spring Festival and its enduring traditions. This offers a sense of closure and leaves the reader with a lasting impression:

  As Spring Festival comes to an end,

  Memories cherished, love we send.

  A timeless bond, passed down with pride,

  In our hearts, the festival does reside.

  Writing a poem about the Spring Festival in English allows us to merge the richness of Chinese culture with the beauty of the English language. It offers an opportunity to share our traditions with a wider audience and bridge cultural gaps. So, let us continue to celebrate the Spring Festival, both in our hearts and through the power of words.


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