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  • 2023-06-15 09:48:01



最早的父亲节能追溯到美国的一个小村庄。1909年,华盛顿州斯波坎市的索诺拉·道德(June Dode)开始倡导一个节日来纪念父亲。而后经过许多人的努力倡导,1966年,美国总统林登·约翰逊(Lyndon B,Johnson)正式宣布第三个星期日是全国父亲节。1994年,联邦**将父亲节确定为节日。







Father's Day, celebrated on the third Sunday of June, is an occasion to celebrate and honor fathers and father figures in our lives,It is a day to show appreciation for all that they do and have done for us,Father's Day has become a universal celebration and is observed in many countries around the world.

The history of Father's Day can be traced back to the early 20th century when a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd started campaigning for a day to honor fathers,She was raised by her father, a single parent who raised six children on his own,Sonora's efforts were recognized, and the first Father's Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington.

Since then, Father's Day has been celebrated on the third Sunday of June in the United States, Canada, and several other countries,The date was chosen to coincide with the birthday of William Jackson Smart, Sonora's father.

Father's Day has become an important day for families to come together and celebrate their love for their fathers,Many people take the day as an opportunity to spend quality time with their dads, whether it be by going out for a meal, taking a trip, or simply spending the day at home.

Gift-giving is also a popular tradition on Father's Day,People often give their fathers cards, presents, or other tokens of appreciation,Some popular gifts include books, clothing, gadgets, and gift certificates.

In recent years, Father's Day has gained more and more popularity in China,It is now a widely celebrated holiday, with many businesses offering special promotions and deals for fathers,It is a day to honor and cherish the important role that fathers play in our lives.

In conclusion, Father's Day is a special day for fathers and father figures around the world,While the exact date of the holiday may vary from country to country, the sentiment remains the same,It is a day to show our appreciation for all that our fathers have done for us, and to thank them for their unwavering love and support.





父亲节这个特别的日子里,人们一般会给父亲送上各种各样的礼物,例如卡片、鲜花、巧克力、衣物、工具用品。 还有一些家庭会举行一些特别的活动,例如一起去户外野餐、看电影、打高尔夫球、游泳、钓鱼等等,从而与父亲一起度过一个愉快而难忘的时光。





Father’s Day is an important day of celebration in many countries around the world,It is a day dedicated to fathers and father figures, recognising their contributions to the lives of their children and families,This day is celebrated on different dates in different countries, but in the United States, it is celebrated on the third Sunday in June each year.

This day has its origin in the United States, where it was first celebrated in 1910,The idea of Father's Day was conceived by a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd, who wanted to honor her father, a Civil War veteran who raised six children as a single parent,Her first celebration of the day was in Spokane, Washington on June 19, 1910.

Since then, Father's Day has grown in popularity and is now celebrated in many countries around the world, including Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia,In some countries, it is celebrated on different days and in different ways,In Brazil, for example, Father's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in August and is called Dia dos Pais,In Germany and Austria, Father's Day is celebrated on Ascension Day, which is a Christian holiday.

Father's Day is a day to appreciate and thank fathers for all that they do for their families,It is a day to spend time with dad, maybe by cooking him his favorite meal or taking him out for a special activity,Many families also exchange gifts on Father's Day,Some popular gifts include ties, watches, tools, or something handmade, like a card or picture.

In conclusion, Father's Day is an important day of celebration for fathers around the world, and its celebration brings joy and happiness to many families,So, remember to show your appreciation for your dad on this special day, no matter where you are in the world.

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