

  • 喜风
  • 2024-02-01 14:51:01


  The Simple Translation of Ancient Chinese Poems about Spring Festival

  The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional holiday in China. With a history of over 4,000 years, it is a time for family reunions, joyful celebrations, and the welcoming of a new year. Throughout the years, many poets have beautifully captured the essence of this festival in their ancient poems. In this article, we will provide simple English translations of a few famous poems about the Spring Festival.

  1. "赋得古原草送别" - 王昌龄





  Farewell to the Ancient Grass on the Plain

  Grasses, green and lush, spread across the plain.

  Year after year, they wither and grow again.

  Wildfires may burn, but they cannot eliminate,

  Spring breeze blows, bringing lives to regenerate.

  Their fragrance reaching the ancient road afar,

  Under the clear sky, they connect with the deserted city bizarre.

  Bidding farewell once more to a departing friend,

  Heartfelt sentiments fill the ambience without end.

  2. "江南春" - 杜牧





  Spring in the South

  A thousand miles away, warblers sing amidst green and red,

  Banners in the breeze grace water village and mountain range ahead.

  In the Southern Dynasty, 480 temples stood serene,

  Countless pavilions concealed in mist and rain to be seen.

  At the mouth of Wu Yi Alley, sunset paints the sky blood red,

  Cool dew glistens on the white frost-covered maple leaves overhead.

  Separated by thousands of miles, yet two straw-thatched huts contain,

  Green trees and a phoenix perched on a village lane.

  3. "春望" - 杜甫





  A View of Spring

  Though the country is in ruins, mountains and rivers remain,

  Within the city, spring embraces its flora, lush and tame.

  Moved by the era's lament, flowers shed tears in dismay,

  Startled by the parting, birds are frightened away.

  The beacon fires have burned for three long months straight,

  A family's letter, worth more than gold, finally arrived, abate.

  White hair, becoming shorter day by day, he absentmindedly weaves,

  Overwhelmed, as if his hairpin could barely be retrieved.

  These ancient poems provide us with a glimpse into the essence of the Spring Festival and the emotions related to the festival. They capture the beauty of nature's awakening, the longing for reunion, the sorrow of separation, and the resilience of the Chinese spirit. Even in simple translations, the depth and meaning of these poems can still be appreciated. They remind us of the human experience and the universal themes that connect us all. During the Spring Festival, let us cherish these traditions and celebrate the spirit of new beginnings.



  The Chinese Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year, is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It is widely celebrated by Chinese people throughout the world. In order to capture the essence of this festive season, many ancient poets have composed beautiful poems. In this article, we will focus on translating a few of these poems into simple and understandable English.

  1. 《赋得古原草送别》(Farewell to Ancient Grassland) by Wang Wei



  Life is like a journey, and I am but a traveler.

  May I encounter the spring grass along my way, bidding farewell to those in the cold.

  2. 《元日》(New Year's Day) by Wang Anshi



  With the sound of firecrackers, a new year begins.

  The spring breeze brings warmth into the mortal world.

  Through thousands of houses, the bright sun shines,

  Changing the old charms for new peach blossoms.

  3. 《除夜》(New Year's Eve) by Su Shi



  A few firecrackers break the silence of the night,

  In thousands of homes, lights shine brightly.

  At the end of the year, at the beginning of a new one,

  Every family gathers together with love and joy.

  4. 《除旧迎新》(Bidding Farewell to the Old and Welcoming the New) by Li Shen



  The bells and drums have long been silent and deserted,

  A new moon emerges, its brilliance overshadowing everything.

  As the sun and moon rise, disappearing into the clouds,

  The early signs of New Year's Eve bring blossoms of hope.

  5. 《寒食》(Cold Food Festival) by Du Mu



  Sparse bushes and a deep path in the fence,

  Who knows how many blossoms fall from the trees?

  After the reunion of the Cold Food Festival,

  Another year quietly slips away.

  These are just a few examples of the beautiful poems written about the Spring Festival. They express the emotions and traditions associated with this festive season. The translations aim to maintain the simple and understandable nature of the original poems, allowing readers unfamiliar with Chinese culture to appreciate the sentiments behind them.

  The Spring Festival is not only a time for family reunions, but also a time for reflection and renewal. It is a time when people bid farewell to the old and welcome the new with hope and joy. The poems capture the essence of this festive atmosphere, reminding us to cherish our loved ones and celebrate the passing of time.

  In conclusion, the ancient poems about the Spring Festival provide us with insight into the rich cultural heritage of China. Through their simple and straightforward translations, we can appreciate the beauty and significance of this traditional celebration. This festive season, let us embrace the spirit of the Spring Festival and create new memories with our loved ones.


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